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  • aduenckel


How do you feel when you hear the word Dependent? For many of us, whether we admit it or not, it is something we do not want to be. Instead, we prefer to be independent. Independent sounds so much more successful, together, accomplished. I have spent many moments throughout my life focusing on being independent. When I was in elementary school, I never asked for help. I wanted to try to do it all on my own. I had to learn that it is ok to ask for help. In fact, it was encouraged. As I grew into my teens, it was always known that due to my disability I would not be able to obtain a driver’s license. Don’t fret, I still had to endure all the cheesy and emotional driver’s ed videos since driver’s education was a part of the PE/health curriculum. I found other ways to be independent though. I got a job as early as I could, age 14, used my own money to buy what I wanted/needed, kept up with my own school assignments, and was growing more and more independent despite the fact that I would not be able to drive. After graduating from high school, I made the choice to go away to college. It would be easier to be independent if I did not live at home. I began mobility training once there, and learned to cross streets and busy intersections despite being legally blind. This gave me the freedom to explore my world independently. It never mattered that walking downtown from my college campus was 30 minutes when you could drive there in about 2 minutes. I could go to a coffee shop and get a cup of coffee independently from anyone else. After college while going to grad school and living in an apartment every Friday night was Independent Woman Pizza Night. I was independent, and I was going to celebrate. As a wife, working mother, friend, daughter, sister, and Christian inching closer and closer to 40 by the day, there still seems to be something glorified in the word independent. In an effort to have it all under control, get it all accomplished, and look pulled together doing it, we often hear ourselves stating the following: “Not a problem!” “No need to help I got this!” “I got you! Don’t worry about it!” “Sure! I can help!” “I’ll definitely meet that deadline.” “I’ve got time.” “I can absolutely volunteer.” “Sure I can finish that for you!” “I’ll make time for it!” We push ourselves to the limit.

We set our own schedules.

We make our own rules. We are independent, but at what cost? God calls us to depend on Him! So, why do we have such a hard time with being dependent. We must Loosen our grip Set aside expectations Take a deep breath. Draw near to Trust Ask Seek Knock Let go Lean on Depend Be dependent Precious child of God, what would your day, week, month, year, life look like if you let it all go and truly became dependent on God. I believe it would not just be life changing but life giving!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

and do not rely on your own insight.

In all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make straight your paths.

Do not be wise in your own eyes;

fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.

It will be a healing for your flesh

and a refreshment for your body.” (Proverbs 3:5-8)

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