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  • aduenckel

Be the red leaf

The other day, I looked out the window at all the leaves lying on the ground. The brightest red leaf caught my eye laying on the top of the pile. It stood out among all the other leaves. It looked so vibrant and happy in its deep rich and vibrant color. The leaf seemed to whisper notice me. I am different than the others. I have something they are missing. My eyes could not look away.

As you look out your own window today at the array of leaves around you, I encourage you to take a moment and find a red leaf. Then I encourage you to emulate it in your daily life.

Be a stand out among the crowd. Exude brightness as you smile and offer kindness to all. Captivate the eyes of others, and show them that you live life differently. Vibrantly express the gratitude you have in the Lord through the way you live a giving life. Do not appear dead and dry but on fire and alive as you share the love and grace of God through your daily actions and demeanor. And may your lifestyle whisper to all around you, notice me, I have an unshakeable hope to share with you that will change your whole being.

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

1 Peter 2:9

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